At 7pm on Tuesday, February 11th, it was time to turn off the TV and turn on that trusty old radio. (Or, for the nerds among us... grab a streaming app and listen on the computer or smart phone.) But no matter how you did it, the goal was the same... tune into "The Racing […]
One of the most frequently asked questions our sales department receives concerns the interchangeability of MGB engines. It seems that, while many owners are interested in fitting earlier, higher horsepower engines to their late MGBs, others are interested in installing later, low-mileage engines to their early cars. MGB engines were produced in five basic variations […]
TD’s as many know are wonderful little British cars, well-built yet challenging on some design matters. Two mains for the electrical system that will allow a wiring harness melt down before a fuse will blow. Single cylinder brake master cylinders, the most confounded oiling system for a four banger, suicide doors that really aren’t meant […]
A simple conversion, a big improvement – modifying the TD side curtain storageAdding a hinged top to the TD storage compartment is a big improvement and simple process, Following are two options. Materials: for modifying existing lid2- 1½” X 3″ brass or chrome plated hinges, reuse existing lid screws and finish washers.Material costs @ $5.00. […]