Simeone Museum - 2022


A few members attended the Best in Britain show at the Simeone Museum February 12.  Lots of green cars.  It was nice to see Ed Flax’s early TD.  Quite a nice car.  There was an interesting lecture about the history of BRG.  After the second car was made, racing began and countries identified themselves by color - France blue, Germany white, Italy red, and Britain green.  Why green for Britain?  Well, at the time they could not race in England, so they raced in Ireland, and choose green out of respect for Ireland.  The early green was from the Napier automobile.  Some evidence of that green does exist but nothing good, no painted body parts.  It was a bright green / yellow green. Then in the 1950’s, the 'C' type and 'D' type Jaguars sported a very dark green which now seems to be the current BRG.

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