DVC Events

The DVC prides itself in holding events that focus on enjoying our cars and each other's company.
Be sure to keep an eye on our home page for quick get-togethers.
We also enjoy join with our Registers and fellow clubs to enjoy time with those outside of our club.
To see what other events are going on around us...
Click here to check out other British events
MEMBERS: Please be sure to LOG IN for location and RSVP Information

Random Get Togethers

Join us at one of our random GTs. We'll be meeting for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or whatever.
Wed Aug 14, 2024 @ 5:00 pm | Duck Inn; 532 Gravel Pike; Collegeville, PA

2024 Events

Sellersville Theater

Date:  Thur 1/11/2024
Time:  7pm-11pm

Join us as we enjoy "Cherry Poppin' Daddies".
You won't want to miss it!  Tickets are VERY limited.  Reservation required.


Date:  Sat 3/16/2024
Time:  Noon - 3pm

Join us for our 54th Anniversary party. Let's celebrate another year together!
Reservations required. See flyer for details.

Solar Eclipse Trip

Date:  Sun 4/7-9/2024
Time:  Sun-Tue Event
Join us as we head to the Corning, NY area to view a total solar eclipse on Monday!  We'll be providing special glasses so that you can see it.  Be sure to get your hotel reservation in ASAP.  Contact Pat & Patty for more info and to sign-up.

Tech Session

Date:  Sat 4/27/2024
Time:  10am-4pm
Time to get those wheels back out for another exciting season!  We have lots of trips planned.  Now is your chance to make sure the old beast is ready to party with us!

Classic Auto Mall

Date:  Fri 5/17/2024
Time:  9:30am @ Rose's; Noon @ Auto Mall

Join us as we visit an indoor consignment showroom with up to 1,000 collectible and special interest vehicles offered for sale.  Better keep your checkbook in the car!

Markel Tour

Date:  Sat 6/??/2024
Time:  ??am-??pm

Join us as we check out some more of the Dave Markel's Auto Collection in Skippack.  There are so many cars of all kinds to see that we'll be taking a lunch break in the middle!

Wildwood Weekend

Date:  9/5-8/2024
Time:  Weekend event
What could be better than a fall day in Wildwood?  How about a whole weekend?  How about a whole weekend full of events with the DVC gang?  Now, we are talking!  Get your reservations in early and join us!

Car Show Prep

Date:  Sat 9/14/2024
Time:  11am-4pm
We have a lot to do before the show... Pack the goodie bags, and check the details.  Lunch is provided, but bring your favorite beverage and a chair.

19th Annual DVC Car Show

Date:  Sat 9/21/2024
Register @ 9a
Gen'l Adm @ 10a
The weather didn't cooperate with us last year, so let's have another go at it!  Check out the earlier registration time!
Go to the Car Show section of our site for more information, registration forms, and fliers.       Questions?...   Just email us at CarShow@DVCMG.com
        Pit Crew

Golf and Picnic

Date:  Sat 10/??/2024
Time:  ??am-??pm

Join us for a round of mini-golf, chip & putt, or knock out a bucket of balls.  Enjoy a burger/hotdog, chips, and drink with us.  Then we'll head over for a terrific picnic on the farm of long-time DVCer Ron Joyce.

Annual Planning Meeting

Date:  Sun 11/17/2024
Time:  1pm

Bring your thinking cap because we have a lot to discuss.  Not a lot of business stuff, but we have to plan out all of the exciting events for the upcoming year.  After we get done discussing that, we'll gather around for some refreshments and chat about whatever else comes to mind.

DVC Christmas Party

Date:  Sat 12/14/2024
Time:  Cocktails 5pm; Dinner 6pm

Time to celebrate the holidays together again! Come join us for a night of fun and companionship.
Watch the website and your snail mail for details!

2025 Events

Disclaimer: By participating in any event, you hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Delaware Valley Classic MG Club, officers, and event host(s) from and against any loss, damage, claims, or demands, actions, and causes by reason of any accident, injury, death, loss, or damage whatsoever arising out of or in the course of the participant’s participation in this event.

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