The first car show planning meeting was held February 26. Attending were Lyn, Warren and Nancy, Peter & Nancy, Rob, Dave, Lew, Jeff, Tom, Paul & Evonna, Graham, and Chuck. We first met at the field and did a chilly walk around. Lyn, our field marshal, laid out his plans for the field - entrance/exit, placement of the cars, tents, registration, and area for vendors. It looks really good, with plenty of room for everything. We then gathered at Justin’s Carriage House for lunch and to carry on with the planning. Various documents were passed about for review and marked up by the attendees. Warren went over his procurement of the trophies. We agreed that while the venue was changing, our mug trophies will continue. They are costly, but a necessary item. A new Pit Crew shirt was decided upon, and Jeff is on that task. Other items such as placards are being handled by Paul and Evonna. There are a few items that we need to address with the village, such as, traffic, the address of field, vendor coupons, and such. All in all, it went very well and the planning is moving along fine... especially with all the help of the Pit Crew.