Wildwood Weekend - 2022


The weekend started with Cawthornes and Ripperts meeting at the Cracker Barrel in Conshohocken for breakfast before a leisurely, back road drive to Wildwood. Wade stopped over to see us off as he works just around the corner. The weather was perfect as was the drive down to Wildwood. We pulled into the Marlane a few hours later and were greeted by owners Chris and Lisa. This was their first weekend open after being closed for the winter.

Patty and Jaimee went up to the boardwalk in search of food, which they found in the form of ice cream and pizza. Cawthornes and Ripperts then drove to Canals to stock up on beer and wine for the weekend. We hung out at the motel, then headed to Wolfgang and Gudies at 5:00 for happy hour, actually hours. It was a fun evening with delicious food and good conversation.
Dick and Sandy arrived very late Thursday night as their grandson, a senior at Plumstead Christian school, was singing in his school’s last concert that evening.

Friday morning we strolled down to the bagel shop for breakfast, then just chilled out at the motel waiting for the rest of the gang to arrive. Wildwood was full of people as there was a “Camber Car” show that weekend. These cars ride on just the edges of the tires. We talked to an owner and found out they get about 2 weeks on one edge of the tires, then they can take the tires off, turn them around, and get another 2 weeks off the other edge. So…..they buy tires every month! Friday evening we walked to Dog Tooth for dinner. Then we gathered in the back of the motel for conversation till bedtime.

Saturday morning after breakfast we all drove down to Willow Creek Winery in Cape May. We arrived just as they were opening and in minutes it was packed with people! We sampled their Sangria and hung out there for a while. As you can see by the picture, Ben and Cyndi may have sampled quite a bit of Sangria!! Saturday afternoon, the boardwalk and watching the crazy camber cars. Saturday night we walked to Duffinetti’s Italian restaurant for dinner. It was delicious! Saturday evening we gathered again at the back of the motel.

Sunday morning after breakfast at the Pink Cadillac most everyone bid their farewells and headed home. The only casualties this weekend were Jay & Peggy’s car had some overheating problems on the drive home, but they made it safely, and Brian lost his prescription glasses somewhere along the way. Cawthornes, Suffredinis, and Ripperts stayed another day. We drove down to Cape May, met up with Wolfgang and Gudie, and enjoyed a delicious dinner at Tisha’s on Sunday evening. We had a casual, back road drive home on Monday.

We did miss Paul and Fran Holl this year as they were traveling.

Great people, delicious food, and beautiful weather for our MG weekend at the shore!!

Attendees were: Brian Gumpert (MGBGT); Jay & Peggy Kaufman (MGTF); Ben & Cyndi Nolan (MGA); Wolfgang & Gudie Fischer (Triumph TR3); Pat & Patty Cawthorne (MGA); Dick & Sandy Suffredini (MGA); Jim & Diane Sanders (BMW); Paul & Evonna Phillips (Volvo); Tom & Jaimee Rippert (MGA).

-- Tom & Jaimee Rippert

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