After a 2 year hiatus, a long list of attendees made for a busy and fun day. Besides the host Doerners, MG drivers included new members Frank Cielo and Bob Bartelt, as well as current members Brian Gumpert, Jeff Rose, Dick & Sandy Suffredini, Tom & Jaimee Rippert, Pat & Patty Cawthorne, Jay Kaufman with son Ben, and Jim Sanders. Some non-MG drivers showed up too including Chuck Daniels, Adam & Eva Ilnicki, Pete & Nancy Yaskowski, Sue & Garth Gill, Sue & Graham Gill, Louise Story, Lyn Hughes, and Dave Alderfer.
MG repairs were actually carried out this year! Probably the most ambitious was Brian’s front shock replacement. Good job Brian! That couldn’t have been easy in the somewhat cramped spot he chose in the third bay. We used the famous "Schwab Lift" to set the timing on Frank’s B, check the rear oil in Pat’s A, and adjust the brakes in Jay’s TF. Jeff fixed a light and replaced the windscreen wipers on his BGT out in the driveway, and there were probably other minor jobs done outside or in the first bay.
Nancy D led an alternative activity, for this year's event... painting river rocks. Nancy Y, Eva, both Sues, Sandy, Jaimee, and Patty participated and went away with works of art.
After a fine lunch, there was a contest to guess the number of jelly beans in a jar. After all, we were close to Easter. Jim handily won the prize. Still, the biggest prize of the day was getting together again and having the weather cooperate... well mostly, it did taunt us with a few sprinkles. But all in all, a wonderful day to be together again.
-- Warren Doerner