Car Show 2.0 - 2023


The DVCMG Skippack Village British Car was not a beautiful day. Oh no, not a passing shower, not a little chill to air, nor a gentle breeze, a HURRICANE! As the forecast got closer and more reliable the decision was made to cancel the show on Thursday - two days before the show. Time enough to get the word out and make all the needed cancellations. It was a very good decision. Very disappointing, but the right thing to do. We want to thank everyone, especially The Pit Crew, who put so much of their time and effort into the show. It was disappointing, but there is next year!

Then again... The DVC does not give up.  Immediately after our 50th celebration dinner, Covid hit.  So, we picked up the pieces and celebrated later.  Why not do that with the Car Show?  So... We had the DVC Car Show 2.0!  An informal gathering of members and friends to just drive their cars to the show field, hang out, and have a great time!

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